So what if Venezuela is our third largest supplier of oil. I saw one statistic that stated oil would jump 4-6 dollars a barrel and pump price would go up 10-15 cent per gallon if we lost the Venezulian crude. Fuck, I would gladly pay 50 cents more per gallon to fill up my 2005 Earth Fucker (if I had one) if Bush would tell Chavez to get stuffed and slap an economic embargo on them like we did his "hero" in '61. Read the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Hugo Chavez has violated articles 1 thru 30 (all of them) and had no right to stand before the UN to begin with.
Please Dear God, grant President Bush the cahones to say "Fuck Off"!
The legend of 3M's invisible electrostatic wall
9 hours ago
I think he left his cojones in Odessa. Or maybe it was Ozona.